Admission to Reception Class

Reception 2024 Open Evening

There will be an open evening for prospetive parents on Tuesday 14th November at 4pm. The headteacher and leadership team will lead a presentation about our marvellous school followed by a tour of the school including the EYFS department by members of the leadership team.

All applications for Reception Class are co-ordinated by the Local Authority.

All Liverpool schools follow the co-ordinated admission arrangements and equal preference scheme to allocate places in primary schools

The purpose of co-ordinated admission arrangements is to ensure parents receive a single offer of a school place for their child on the same day.

Therefore all applications must be made online via The Local Authority website if you have difficulties please telephone Admissions section on 0151 233 3006.  Unfortunately the school is unable to give you a paper application form.  Please be aware the closing date for September admitance is in January.

Children are admitted to the Reception Class in the September of the year in which they have their 5th Birthday.  Our published admission number is 30. All applications must be made via Liverpool City Council.  Please note the school cannot admit a child directly, all allocations must come via the Local Authority.

If you require any further advice about admission procedures, you should contact Liverpool Direct Limited on 233 3006 or call into a One Stop Shop or contact the schoolm, or see the Primary School Booklet below. For more information about admission procedures within Liverpool Education Authority including over subsubscription criteria please click on the link below:

Liverpool City Council school admissions

The Local Authority have produced a booklet for parents which can be found on the following link

Primary Admissions information for parents

Pupil Allocation Information for Springwood Heath Primary School 2023/24

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