At Springwood Heath Primary, we appreciate how important links are between home and school and the need for us to work together to ensure a good education for all children. It is for this reason that we provide all children with homework to enable them to practise skills and learning they have already covered in school and we believe that homework is an essential part of pupil’s learning.

Homework will be carefully planned to extend learning, enhance and reinforce skills and understanding and allow children to consolidate and improve their skills further. Sometimes the aim is to repeat something done in class as a practise exercise. On other occasions, the homework will ask children to apply their learning to a new context. In line with National Curriculum requirements, homework is set and children are encouraged to, and expected to establish good homework habits from the beginning of their school life.

Online Platforms – children have individual logins that will be sent home on a small login card. – children have individual logins, they can choose to use a password made of letters or pictures. – a welcome letter will be printed and sent home with individual login details on it. – a welcome letter will be printed and sent home with individual login details on it


Reception Phonics work

Daily reader

Year 1 Daily reader

Phonics activities

Maths activities

Half termly topic project

Year 2 Daily Reading

English activities

Maths activities

Phonics / spellings

Half termly topic project

Year 3 Reading


English and Maths activities

Times tables

Half termly topic project

Year 4 Reading


English and Maths activities

Times tables

Half termly topic project

Year 5 Reading


English and Maths activities

Times tables

Half termly topic project

Year 6 SATs revision (spring term onwards)

English activities

Maths activities


Spelling, punctuation and grammar

Times tables









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