Uniform is available from Laser Schoolwear and Tesco.com
Laser Schoolwear:
46 St Mary’s Road
L19 2JD
Click here for more information
We have also arranged for our school uniform to be available via Tesco.com. Sweatshirts and Polo shirts, with the school logo, can be purchased at very reasonable prices. With this, it comes with free delivery and free returns policy. In addition, the school will receive 5% commission. To find out what is available, prices and how to order please visit www.uniformeasy.com/104545
Uniform is also available through the school in the usual way, by ordering half termly. There is a limited stock of uniforms for sale in the office. Please call in to find out what is available.
Springwood Heath Primary School Colours are Green and Yellow and we encourage all of our children to wear the recommended school clothing:
Green Sweatshirt with logo
White/Green Polo Shirt with Logo or
White Blouse with School tie
Green Cardigan/Pullover with logo
Grey Skirt or Grey/Black Trousers
White socks and sensible shoes (no trainers)
Green Sweatshirt with logo
White/Grey shirt with the school tie.
Green pullover with logo
Grey or black trousers
Grey socks with sensible shoes (no trainers)
Hot Weather
During hot weather we would encourage parents to protect their children against the sun, we have subsidised the cost of summer hats which only cost £5:00
PE Kits
Black shorts, plain white top and suitable footwear.
Costume or close fitting swimming trunks, towel and all children must wear a swimming cap. The first cap is provided free then £1.20 each. It is particularly important that boys wear close-fitting trunks and not baggy or long shorts for safety reasons this also helps them learn to swim, enabling them to improve their technique and speed and develop their swimming ability much more quickly and effectively
Book Bags
We also have on sale Book Bags, these are good quality bags specially designed for children to carry their reading books. They can be purchased from Reception for £6:00