Please see below the link to the new School Health Website.
Parents can contact School Health on 0151 295 8415
Is my child to ill for school?
Remember: if you’re concerned about your child’s health, consult a health professional.
Whether you send your child to school will depend on how severe you think the illness is. Use this guide to help you make that judgement
If your child is ill, it’s likely to be due to one of a few minor health conditions.
Vomiting and diarrhoea. Children with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should definitely be kept off school until at least 48 hours after their symptoms have gone. Most cases of diarrhoea and vomiting in children get better without treatment, but if symptoms persist, consult your GP(Diarrhoea is defined as 3 or more liquid or semi-liquid stools in a 24 hour period.)
Cough and cold. A child with a minor cough or cold may attend school. If the cold is accompanied by a raised temperature, shivers or drowsiness, the child should stay off school, visit the GP and return to school 24 hours after they start to feel better. If your child has a more severe and long-lasting cough, consult your GP. They can give guidance on whether your child should stay off school.
Raised temperature. If your child has a raised temperature, they shouldn’t attend school. They can return 24 hours after they start to feel better.
Rash. Skin rashes can be the first sign of many infectious illnesses, such as chickenpox and measles. Children with these conditions shouldn’t attend school. If your child has a rash, check with your GP or practice nurse before sending them to school.
Headache. A child with a minor headache doesn’t usually need to be kept off school. If the headache is more severe or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as raised temperature or drowsiness, then keep the child off school and consult your GP.
Please remember we do have children in school who are more vulnerable to illness, so if any doubt please consult your GP or health professional.
First Aid
First Aid supplies are kept in school and minor injuries will be dealt with by a qualified First Aider. Plasters are used from time to time. Please report any allergies with regard to First Aid items.
In the case of a more serious injury or illness, we will call a parent/carer or an emergency contact immediately.If we are unable to do so a staff member will accompany the child until the parent arrives. Please make sure we have your up to date contact details.
Friday 7th February
17th January 2025
24th January 2025
20th December 2024